
Showing posts from October, 2018

Bioengineering Miniature Human Hearts

The pioneering organisation "Novoheart" have managed to successfully grow miniature human hearts in lab conditions, in the hopes that this revolutionary technology will predict drug safety and improve its efficacy. To quote, their mission and vision is "to revolutionize drug discovery and development of heart therapeutics with our various proprietary bioengineered human heart constructs, and to further develop them into transplantable grafts for cell-based regenerative heart therapies with superior safety and efficacy." "Novoheart is the first and only company in the world to have engineered miniature living human heart pumps that can revolutionize drug discovery, helping to save time and money for developing new therapeutics." It was an extremely complicated and multi-stranded approach that was undertaken to successfully create an artificial, but living heart. The ratio of cells to support structures to nutrients to growing conditions and factors h...

LiFi - Using Ordinary Light as a Source of WiFi?

Li-Fi, standing for "Light Fidelity," essentially  uses visible light systems and sources to communicate data wirelessly at phenomenal speeds. To understand Li-Fi and appreciate it, we must first know the basics about Wi-Fi.  Wi-Fi is wireless connectivity, allowing your devices to connect at high speed to the internet without any need for physical wires (unlike Ethernet which converts data to electrical signals and travels via a wire), whereas using wireless connectivity, data is carried by radio waves.  Wi-Fi signals are transmitted at two specific frequencies, 2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz which allow for a constant communication between your router and device. How do radio waves carry such complex variants of information across the air and into our devices? Well, the data that is being communicated from our device is broken down into binary data, i.e. a complex thought or process is broken down into only the numbers 0 (false) and 1 (true). Strings of these numbers code for ...

Is 'Sound' the Key to Curing Alzheimers?

How could sound, which is pretty much just variations in air pressure, potentially cure this infamous disease, that 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 are at high risk of getting? Alzheimer's is a type of dementia (brain disorder that affects function) and is the most common form of it. A few symptoms include: Memory loss Difficulty performing familiar tasks Deteriorating situational judgement Behavioural changes Dementia research is desperately underfunded. For every person living with dementia, the annual cost to the UK economy is over £30,000 and yet only £90 is spent on dementia research each year. At the time of writing this piece, there is no cure for Alzheimer's, categorising it as a "terminal illness." From the image above, the yellowish clumps between nerve cells are amyloid plaques made of beta-amyloids, these destroy connections between nerve cells which aggravate the effect on thinking, memory and behaviour. Potentially, if there were a way ...

Combining Radiotherapeutics and MRIs to Cure Cancer

In a world where technology is advancing rapidly day by day, it can be hard to keep up with this. Not all technological advancements are mentioned into mainstream media, as there would genuinely be too many to report about, so when one is spotted in the news, you already get the feeling that it is quite ground-breaking. Recently, at the Royal Marsden Hospital in South London, has the first patient been cured of cancer using a new technique which combines radiotherapy with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Previously, to treat and cure cancer, methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy have been deployed and they do indeed work 9 times out of 10 but IF it is a stage 0 cancer that is being dealt with   (i.e. it has not spread to neighbouring tissue and is currently contained within the cells membrane) all of which have their own negative side effects and or complications. For example some types of immunotherapy rev up ...